I would like to extend a thank you to Lynette P, Melanie and Magretta Nelson. Your personal stories were empowering, informative and took much courage to share. I look forward to continue to work with you in our continued journey in early childhood field. Here's wishing a safe and restful holiday and a successful new year!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
I would like to extend a thank you to Lynette P, Melanie and Magretta Nelson. Your personal stories were empowering, informative and took much courage to share. I look forward to continue to work with you in our continued journey in early childhood field. Here's wishing a safe and restful holiday and a successful new year!
Thoughts about Child Development
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Assessing Children
When assessing children, the assessment first of all should be tailored to a specific purpose
and fair for that purpose. The assessment should also include a plan of action to continue working also focusing towards a child's progress. Observing children and having conversations with children during play is a way to assess the children's problem solving skills and cognitive skills. Children can share methods and ideas while they are at play. Also this form of assessment one can see the children "in action" instead of a standardized test where it is teacher structured not child oriented.
Japan is a very group
oriented society, where interdependence is more important than individual
independence. Preschool classrooms are equipped with large very heavy wooden blocks to encourage children to work together and play together and cooperate as a group.
More information:
Monday, November 19, 2012
In regards to the issue of poverty sadly my mother was very poor growing up in Puerto Rico. When my daughters throw out food she tells them how many times she went to sleep without nothing to eat or barely anything to eat.
My mother is one of five children. My grandparents did everything they could to provide for the family. They first started with a few chickens and a cow. My grandfather worked as a farmhand in another town and wouldn't come home until very late at night. At times he had just enough money to have food to feed the animals so that they could have eggs and milk. My mother said that was their daily meal, morning, noon, and night. At times she said, her father would bring some rice or flour and that was a feast for them. Going to school was hard. There were times she couldn't go because she had to help at home. As for clothing, they all lived on hand me downs even the shoes!
Once she moved to NJ she told herself she was never going to struggle like that again. She didn't. She learned the language and continued to study. She is 67 years old and still takes an online course here and there because she says " Not only should you fill up your belly, but you must continue to feed your mind." She does refuse to go hungry though. Growing up my mother always made sure my brother and myself had all our favorite foods, snacks and beverages to our hearts desire. We had so much to eat that it was so hard to pick what snack we wanted for school. Our lunchboxes had so much I shared it with my friends. She is still like this til this day. She lives with my grandmother and her younger sister, but that pantry and fridge is full to capacity.
Imagine life without the comforts we have. Clean water, immunizations, education, food, a safe place to live. There are so many children who does not have at least one of those luxuries. Many children live in extreme or moderate poverty and live on less than $2.00 a day. Children deserve the right to have a long and healthy life. Children should just be that just children. They shouldn't have to worry about when they will be able to have something to eat.
Here are a couple links about poverty:
Poverty Quiz
In order for me to continue my understanding how poverty affect everyone around us, I took this quiz. Please take a few minutes of your time after reading my post to take this quiz. I for one was surprised how little I truly I don't know on the issue. I ranked 60%. How do you think you would do?
Anything and Everything Counts!

Don't be an Armchair Advocate
There was a time that I had some change in my purse and began to get rid of the pennies. Someone stopped me and said " You know, with one penny you can make a dollar, so every penny counts." That simple sentence has stayed with me and I repeat it to anyone who would listen. So remember to count you pennies. 100 pennies equals a dollar, and a dollar is all a child who lives in poverty needs to live.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Before vaccines many children suffered diseases that either crippled them or died from them. In the 30's and 40's children were vaccinated for diphtheria. This disease slowly began disappearing and now this has became a rare condition, smallpox was one of the most devastating diseases the world has ever known. Millions died from it every year. In 1967, the World Health Organization declared war on smallpox and worked on an intensive vaccination program. After 12 years, smallpox has been erased forever
These examples are a few of many reasons immunizing children at an early stage is vital.Since children are so vulnerable scheduled routine vaccinations are the parents responsibility. The possibility that children will become seriously ill or die depends largely on whether their immune systems can fight off infections. The idea behind vaccination is to give you immunity to a disease before it has a chance to make you sick.

Many parents today chose not to vaccinate their childrenn for fear of toxins in the vaccine. Parents are concern with the side effects also their child may have after being vaccinated. Personally, as a parent I didn't see major side effects on my children.If they had a side effect it wasn't major. A slight fever and a sleepless night is far better than my child facing a fatal disease.
Making a difference for children of our world
Before vaccines many children suffered diseases that either crippled them or died from them. In the 30's and 40's children were vaccinated for diphtheria. This disease slowly began disappearing and now this has became a rare condition, smallpox was one of the most devastating diseases the world has ever known. Millions died from it every year. In 1967, the World Health Organization declared war on smallpox and worked on an intensive vaccination program. After 12 years, smallpox has been erased forever
These examples are a few of many reasons immunizing children at an early stage is vital.Since children are so vulnerable scheduled routine vaccinations are the parents responsibility. The possibility that children will become seriously ill or die depends largely on whether their immune systems can fight off infections. The idea behind vaccination is to give you immunity to a disease before it has a chance to make you sick.
Many parents today chose not to vaccinate their childrenn for fear of toxins in the vaccine. Parents are concern with the side effects also their child may have after being vaccinated. Personally, as a parent I didn't see major side effects on my children.If they had a side effect it wasn't major. A slight fever and a sleepless night is far better than my child facing a fatal disease.
Making a difference for children of our world
Saturday, October 27, 2012
New Hope For TTTS
When I had my girls the decision for a c-section was done immediately. But now I see that the delivery of twins has changed. In Brazil. Laser ablation of placental vessels for treatment of severe twin-twin transfusion syndrome. This procedure is rare but it has been proven successful. Delivery of twins is a very nerve racking experience. Knowing that your children are in jeopardy is the worst. Luckily we live in a world that doesn't stop searching and researching for ways to lessen any worries for all that comes in any families ways. I am thankful that even though in 1996 my daughters were born by c-section, I am happy for those new mothers with multiples.
Karina and Ariana Gomez 2 weeks old |
My Beginnings
Ariana, Marleni and Karina ages 2 and 5 |
I am the mother of three daughters. It is very hard to describe only one experience due to the fact that these experiences are different but alike in nature. My first daughter Marleni marked the beginning of a new life for me. The second birth was the birth of my twins. Knowing that I was having twins left me numb and terrified.
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Ariana, Marleni and Karina ages 16 and 19 |
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
I would like to extend my appreciation to Maria Mino. Thank you Maria for taking the time to read some of my posts and providing feedback that I used to continue working through these 8 weeks. At times I always felt overwhelmed and at times wondered if the assignments where done correctly. Thank you for giving me the pat on the back I needed.!
I would also like to Thank Cedar Tyler. The moments I needed words of encouragement I knew I was going to count on her. Thank you Cedar for making the times I questioned many of my discussions. I felt grateful for you input and opinions and beliefs. It has been a wonderful experience being able to participate in this course with your help.
I also enjoyed reading Tunyia Williams discussions and her blogs. Tunyia's responses also helped me reflect my position in the early childhood field. Her responses towards my blogs gave me encouragement. Thank you for providing the positive side of learning. Much Success and it has been a pleasure learning from you.
I look forward to thanking all of you in person!
I would also like to Thank Cedar Tyler. The moments I needed words of encouragement I knew I was going to count on her. Thank you Cedar for making the times I questioned many of my discussions. I felt grateful for you input and opinions and beliefs. It has been a wonderful experience being able to participate in this course with your help.
I also enjoyed reading Tunyia Williams discussions and her blogs. Tunyia's responses also helped me reflect my position in the early childhood field. Her responses towards my blogs gave me encouragement. Thank you for providing the positive side of learning. Much Success and it has been a pleasure learning from you.
I look forward to thanking all of you in person!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
My Inspiration
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I would like to introduce to you Sebastian Cook our newest member of our family. Sebastian has been diagnosed with Emanuel Syndrome.Emanuel syndrome is a chromosomal disorder that disrupts normal development and affects many parts of the body. Children with Emanuel syndrome have weak muscle tone (hypotonia) and fail to gain weight and grow at the expected rate (failure to thrive). Their development is significantly delayed, and most affected individuals have severe to profound intellectual disabilities.The diagnosis of Emanuel syndrome is challenging due its rarity, lack of familial history and because the clinical features of Emanuel syndrome can also be seen in other syndromes. There are 200 reported cases and 500 worldwide. Sebastian's disability has driven me to work with families in educating others with this disability. Families suffer financially and emotionally in coping with their children development. So far Seby has had 2 open heart surgeries, he has one kidney, and has had ear plugs procedures done twice He's a been through a lot. You could never tell with that smile could you?
The Principles towards my future
The Code of Ethics of the Division for Early Childhood(DEC) of the Council for Exceptional Children
To be able to continue in the world of early childhood practices it is necessary to constantly be up to date with any research and practices. The importance of early childhood one must thoroughly educated and be prepared to demonstrate and share that knowledge with others. These are the basic tools to help one implement all resources available to help open doors to other resources for others to have the opportunity for children with special needs to succeed.
In order to provide quality care any observations must have back up to validate appropriate practices for the children and their families. Any suggestions or findings must be thourly reviewed to be able to promote trust and a sense of security so that the families feel safe and will continue to acceptance guidance towards the betterment of their children.
NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment
III.Ethical Responsibilities to Colleagues
It is very imortant in any position collegues shoudl be abale to work and respond in any projects as a team. Teamwork is one of the essential tools to achieve success . Many of the views in early childhood requires to listen and interpret resources that will come from any angle. Early childhood educators should demonstrate their professionalism and create a positive working environment to achieve their goal.
To continue the goals that I set for myself to in early childhood, I must look back and review that this mission that I undertook requires a lot a responsibilities. I must always remember that I took this journey to enhance my passion to work with children and their families. To be able to succeed I must remember there's a rule of thumb to give respect is to gain it. I must also remember that my main purpose is to create a peaceful and trusting setting so that I can provide the quality services for the families that I will encounter.
To be able to continue in the world of early childhood practices it is necessary to constantly be up to date with any research and practices. The importance of early childhood one must thoroughly educated and be prepared to demonstrate and share that knowledge with others. These are the basic tools to help one implement all resources available to help open doors to other resources for others to have the opportunity for children with special needs to succeed.
In order to provide quality care any observations must have back up to validate appropriate practices for the children and their families. Any suggestions or findings must be thourly reviewed to be able to promote trust and a sense of security so that the families feel safe and will continue to acceptance guidance towards the betterment of their children.
NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment
III.Ethical Responsibilities to Colleagues
It is very imortant in any position collegues shoudl be abale to work and respond in any projects as a team. Teamwork is one of the essential tools to achieve success . Many of the views in early childhood requires to listen and interpret resources that will come from any angle. Early childhood educators should demonstrate their professionalism and create a positive working environment to achieve their goal.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
This resource handbook is designed as a reliable
compilation of curriculum ideas that can be used by early childhood
educators everywhere -- student teachers, paraprofessionals, in-service
teachers, college instructors, and especially parents. It provides Early
Childhood Educators with the means to plan for and develop a curriculum
in which children individually and in groups can learn through a wide
range of experiences.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Monday, October 1, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
"I see early childhood education, all education really as a civil rights issue because the right to think about in relationship to childhood. A childhood that leaves you ready for optimal life experiences. A childhood and an educational context experience throughout your life cycle that opens up the world around you that gives you the tools you need to ask questions and investigate things."....Renetta M. Cooper Program Specialist, Office of Children, LA County Chief Administrative Office.
Stanley Greenspan MD
are led to believe that they must be consistent, that is, always respond
to the same issue the same way. Consistency is good up to a point but
your child also needs to understand context and subtlety . . . much of
adult life is governed by context: what is appropriate in one setting is
not appropriate in another; the way something is said may be more
important than what is said. . . ."
Friday, September 21, 2012
Personal Childhood Web
Growing up in a very overprotective very very strict Hispanic household, my interactions with others were extremely limited. Our lives was going to school, and coming home, homework. It was a loving, old school upbringing was definitely what made me who I am today.
My mother: She was the key to any decisions I made in my life. My mother never stopped dedicating her skills, dreams and wishes. The best part of growing up was when my mother would sit and help me with my homework. What makes these moments so special was the simple fact that she did not know how to speak English very well. My mother always participated in any school functions or activities with me and I got to be the interpreter and I felt like a million bucks, because I helped her. Till this day my mother participates in any school activities I have. For example, I had a fashion show with my students and she took a couple of hours from work to see my students perform!
My Father: My father had a great love of music. He would sit in the living room with his guitar and sing. He took time to teach me the songs and tried to teach me how to play the guitar. I couldn't get the hang of it. One christmas I got an organ. I practiced and practiced with him. He taught me the old Christmas Carols that were sung during the holiday when we had "parandas" a form of caroling. And of course The Puerto Rican Anthem' En mi viejo San Juan
My brother: Though he is younger than I am, he was definitely the leader a tough cookie. He is until this day. He was my only playmate. He taught me how to ride a bike, and try skateboarding. Our favorite time was the summer and getting wet with the hose. He always knew how to make me laugh. Even til this day he still runs his stand up sarcastic comedy that we grew to enjoy and even now expect.
My Aunt Lucy (Titi Cookie) My aunt was and still is like my second mother. My aunt would watch over my brother and myself when we got home from school. She always made sure we had snacks and sometimes if the weather was right, she would play with us in the backyard singing songs she learned while growing up. Titi Cookie as we all affectionately call her is always there sharing stories and sings with us. I enjoy this very much as I share these songs with my own children.
My grandmother. My grandmother has always and still is a major part of the family. She is the glue that holds us together. Even though she was very proud of all my successes in school, she would always say that our home was our school and what we learn at home completes us a people. Her main contribution in my childhood was making sure that I learned how to cook, but the way she did when she was little. At the age of 5 I would stand on a stool and helped her making pasteles I even learned how to make coffee from coffee grounds! Keeping our family traditions and our customs were very important to her.
My kindergarten teacher Ms. Alferi: I remember walking though the door holding my mothers hand crying my eyes out. I begged my mother and was inconsolable. I remember being confused because my mother never let me out of her sight. My kindergarten teacher asked my mother what was my favorite thing to do at home. My mother told her I loved to color and loved brand new crayons. Ms. Alferi showed my a box of crayons and pointed out my name on the box. Once I walked in the room Ms. Alferi made sure I was comfortable in the classroom. Even though I was very very shy, she always managed to bring the artist in me and would praise all my work. Many years later at an inservice I was asked to discuss my kindergarten experience and would you believe that it was Ms. Alferi giving the workshop! When I said my name she instantly remembered the shy quite long haired girl in her classroom. We both stood in front of the training and began to sing the school song and got the crowd to join. Ms. Alferi is still around and continues to praise my work now as a teacher. She proudly tells everyone that I was her student many years ago. And was also there when my students had the fashion show with a big smile next to my mother. I was five years old again.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Children are like wet cement
Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression.”
by Dr. Hiam Ginott
When I first heard this quote, it also left an impression on me. Everything we say,or do will foverever be embedded in childrens memory. We don't realize the lasting impressions we have on children. We are who we are because someone in our lifetime has left an impression whether it's positive or negative. I agree that children are like wet cement, and its only a matter of time before it dries up.
by Dr. Hiam Ginott
When I first heard this quote, it also left an impression on me. Everything we say,or do will foverever be embedded in childrens memory. We don't realize the lasting impressions we have on children. We are who we are because someone in our lifetime has left an impression whether it's positive or negative. I agree that children are like wet cement, and its only a matter of time before it dries up.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
My Favorite Book
My favorite story is called The Kissing Hand. It's about a little racoon name Chester who has anxieties going to school for the first time and how his mother helps him. This story has always been a hit for me to help with first day of school jitters. Both the parents and the children. The story helps the children comfortable about their feelings as they relate to Chester. To place a smile on both parents and children they each receive a Hershey's kiss to ease them into this transition. The story has sentimental value for me also. When my twins went to kindergarten I read the story and at the end of the book where heart shaped stickers I placed on their little hands their first day of school. It still brings tears to my eyes remembering how they ran towards me and showed me that they held on to their stickers even though it got wet.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
I am new to blogging. Please bear with me.
I have another blog also: ivelisseluque.wordpress.com
I have another blog also: ivelisseluque.wordpress.com
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