Looking back, I can say that my family is one of the most important relationship I have. My up bringing defines me, and my family became a part of my identity. Values that were taught and instilled in me has prepared me for many obstacles that I have encountered. I remember many times growing up just enjoying being a little girl and I have to thank my mother for that. I remember the routine to this day. Breakfast and Saturday morning cartoons, fix my bed and play outside in the backyard all morning., lunch, more play, a bath and dinner. Saturday night was the best because we would always sit together to watch the Carol Burnett Show.
Once I had a family of my very own, the bond of family and its importance became stronger. My children has been the most important and the most valued relationship I have. The responsibility that NOW I was creating my own family unit, was exciting and scary. I did the same as my mother, I made sure my daughters enjoyed being little girls. The only difference I played with them a lot. Rainy days, I do remember giving them crayons and paper and their drawings covered the whole house.
December 21,2007 I had the second chance in working on a personal relationship when I married my husband Joe. Being single and a single mother for a long time made this type of relationship one I wanted and didn't at the same time. Love on a personal level is a relationship and partnership that is a continuous working process. Two people with two different personalities, opinions, and beliefs can make living under the same roof at times difficult.But sharing love for someone can overcome many obstacles that come around.
In view of relationships is it human nature to feel the need to belong, accepted, love, etc, etc, etc. In the early childhood profession one brings all those qualities to all those you meet. With the children I go back in time when I had little ones at home, and the desire for them to continue to enjoy being little is an instinct. Working with parents one works with them sharing ideas, opinions, hopes and celebrate accomplishments at a distance but always as a team. Working with colleague's relationships are like a marriage. Sharing opinions, thoughts, ideas and fussiness can make for very long day, but sharing a love for the profession the end result is seen every end of the school year.