Reading through the many articles, newsletters, emails in NIEER I stumbled across this website. To get a better understanding how the states are working towards the well being of the children, this website has an abundance of information, graphs, articles, etc...
Equity and Equality in Kindergarten
ECS examined six components of kindergarten: availability, length of day, student assessment, quality of instruction, standards and curriculum, and funding. The goal of the report is to illustrate the implications of the presence of such diverse kindergarten policies, to raise questions about the implications of that diversity, and to encourage politicians to consider the impact their state’s policies have on children’s future educational success.
Each state needs to take along hard look at the details of their kindergarten policies and programs which are inconsistent and inequitable for the children across the states.
Full Day Kindergarten in the States
A "full day" of kindergarten ranges from four to seven hours, depending on where a child lives. And in 35 states, kindergarten attendance is not mandated even if kindergarten is available.
WOW = thanks for sharing the map. I found it really insightful. I had no idea that some states allow schools to charge tuition for the second portion of the day.
Hi Ivelisse, you have an excellent posting that is picturesque. I often learn new things from you, as well as from my other colleagues. By now, everyone should be knowledgeable about the rights of a child. No matter the race, colour. sex, language, religion, or where children were born, or who they were born to, all children have the right to be treated equally. We have to prepare all our children to live in a diverse, multiethnic society. As educators, we have to respect and value differences in children, and promote positive attitudes towards, and understanding of their own and other people's lives.
As a kindergarten teacher, this map baffles me! I can't believe that full day kindergarten is not mandated for all states at this point in time. We have so much to teach and so little time to waste. And I have never heard of parents having to pay for their child to attend kindergarten, unless it was a private school. Amazed is all I can say! It makes me wonder if all children have accessibility to a high-quality kindergarten education?
This is news to me! I thought all kindergarten is a full day. In New York City pre-K is all day too. This post is very informative. As educator we need to know what going on in other states. Tamarah