My communication Assessment
I asked my daughter and my ex-husband to participate in this activity. I was very surprised with their responses. In regards for me in having any anxiety my daughter believed I had all the confidence of the world, while my ex-husband agreed about my anxiety about speaking in public. I asked them why they answered the way they did. My daughter shared that since I love being a teacher I have to feel comfortable being around so many different families and children; how can I feel anxious.
My ex-husband remembered the day I was maid of honor at a friends wedding and how much my voice cracked and my hands shook as I gave my speech. In truth I do not get nervous in class, or speaking with parents, but standing in front of people my knees knock.
I loved looking at their response and compare. It is actually interesting how people even in you own family can look at you completely differently. Our perception of how we communicate with others is an active process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting people,objects, events, situations, and activities.
First, I just want to say you must have excellent communication skills and be people oriented if your ex-husband was willing to help in this assignment. That is how relationships should be when children are involved. Your daughter and your ex-husband were both accurate in scoring the anxiety - - they just chose different settings to think of you in. Great post!
ReplyDeleteHi Ivy. Teachers must be truly and totally devoted, sincere and understanding in their careers. Your daughter believes you have the confidence and I know that’s an important factor when communicating in public with parents, with children and with your family. Nice post, Ivy…Jay
ReplyDeleteHi! I really enjoyed reading your post. I love that your daughter's insightful remarks about your communication abilities! I think it is always wonderful when your children realize such important qualities. I too feel very comfortable one-on-one but sometimes get cold and clammy in front of large groups. Great post!
That is so interesting because my mom and co-worker assumed I am not anxious when I communicate in front of small groups of people, but I told them when I am communicating to children, I am "cool as a cucumber!" But when I have to communicate to a group of adults, I am more anxious because they tend to be more critical of your communication skills. I also feel more comfortable in front of my family and kindergarten colleagues versus my administrators or a the whole faculty at my school. Great post!